Kingidium deliciosum
This species can be found in almost all parts of Thailand, flowering between May and June. The flower size is about 1,5 cm and there are between 3 and 5 flowers to each inflorescence.
This species can be found in almost all parts of Thailand, flowering between May and June. The flower size is about 1,5 cm and there are between 3 and 5 flowers to each inflorescence.
Das Grosse Buch der Zimmerpflanzen. VEMAG Verlags- und Medien Aktiengesellschaft, Köln 1995, ISBN 3-625-10680-9, 1001 Zimmerpflanzen von A - Z. ISBN-10: 1405492090, RHS Die große Pflanzen-Enzyklopädie von A – Z, DK Verlag Dorling Kindersley, ISBN-10: 3831017298, Wikipedia - Orchideen, Zimmerpflanzen von Editha Thomas, ISBN-10: 3730401033, Botanica. Das ABC der Pflanzen. 10.000 Arten in Text und Bild. Könemann Verlagsgesellschaft, 2003, ISBN 3-8331-1600-5