What is the genera /specie ?

A friend of mine offered me this plant. I know it is quite difficult to identify without flower but any idea of what specie or genera it can belong to ?

Rhyncostylis coelestis

I found what it is: Bulbophyllum blepharistes.

Yes, it is a Bulbophyllum blepharistes. Here a picture of the inflorescence:

Bulbophyllum coelestis

The flowering time is between the month of June and November. In Thailang this species can be found in the North, Northeast, South and Central Region.

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Das Grosse Buch der Zimmerpflanzen. VEMAG Verlags- und Medien Aktiengesellschaft, Köln 1995, ISBN 3-625-10680-9, 1001 Zimmerpflanzen von A - Z. ISBN-10: 1405492090, RHS Die große Pflanzen-Enzyklopädie von A – Z, DK Verlag Dorling Kindersley, ISBN-10: 3831017298, Wikipedia - Orchideen, Zimmerpflanzen von Editha Thomas, ISBN-10: 3730401033, Botanica. Das ABC der Pflanzen. 10.000 Arten in Text und Bild. Könemann Verlagsgesellschaft, 2003, ISBN 3-8331-1600-5